Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Trailer Tuesday: Pawn by Aimee Carter

So, I don't know if this a thing or not already, but its something I want to do on my blog. Each Tuesday, I want to share a different book trailer with you guys. A surprising number of books get trailers, and I'm always interested to see what the trailer adds to make me want to read a book. I've definitely been swayed to read a book based on its trailer.

To kick things off, I'm going to share the book trailer for Pawn by Aimée Carter, as that's a book I recently just read and reviewed. This trailer doesn't really add more to the synopsis, but I like that it introduces the society of the world Kitty lives in. I really love the graphic at the end that reveals the book introduction, I think that's very cool.

This is a trailer I didn't see before I read the book, but I feel like if I had seen it, I would have picked up Pawn earlier.

What do you think of this trailer?

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