Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: July 26, 2011
Series or Standalone:  Paranormalcy #2
ISBN: 9780061985867
Format: ARC
Pages: 352
Source: Borrowed
Kiersten White – Website 
Kiersten White – Blog 
Kiersten White – Twitter

Rating: 3.5 Stars

I was really looking forward to the sequel to the BLEEPING awesome Paranormalcy. However, I felt like Supernaturally was more of a whimper than the bang I was expecting. I was slightly disappointed by Supernaturally. I really loved Paranormalcy but Supernaturally felt a bit bland in comparison.

Supernaturally suffered from what I call the second-book-in-a-trilogy syndrome. Basically, the second book in a trilogy is kind of boring and slow moving and their to establish plot points for the big finale. In many ways, this is how Supernaturally felt for me. I felt this book was very slow moving and I think that was because of the plot. Personally, I’m not really sure what the central plot was. There were a bunch of small story lines, but I felt they did not connect together into one major plot. I was a little bored, and that made me sad. There were also things that were brought up in Supernaturally that then were not mentioned again, such as not hearing for the elementals. I know it is probably set up for book 3 but it just felt forgotten at points.

While the plot wasn’t my favorite, I will say I loved being back in Evie’s world. I lobe Evie. Kiersten White really has created a very distinct voice with Evie. As in Paranormalcy, Evie is just as snarky and hilarious. I was giggling within the first couple pages. Evie has grown since Paranormalcy. Evie knows now more about who she is and has the chance at a “normal” life and that has changed her. I really liked her character growth throughout this book. She learns a lot more about herself and has to deal with that knowledge and she deals with it well.

A lot of the same characters from Paranormalcy are back in this one. Including Lend, but there wasn’t enough Lend for my taste in this book since he was offer at college. Along with a bunch of old characters, Kiersten White introduces a new character, Jack who I really enjoyed. Jack was a character and really funny. He kind of reminded me of a Puck-esque character. However, the one thing I did not like about Jack was I figured out his purpose right when I met him. Other than that, Jack was a really interesting new character who provided some really good entertainment.

Overall, Supernaturally was a decent read. It was nice to be back in Evie’s world and I love Kiersten’s writing. Even though I was a bit disappointed by this book (probably because it had to live up to Paranormalcy) I still enjoyed it. And I will definitely be picking up the third and final book in the series Endlessly when it’s out sometime next year. Also, this cover is gorgeous! I love it and I love how it matches Parnormalcy.

1 comment:

  1. NO NO NO NO. THAT SYNDROME CANNOT HAPPEN. I love Evi. and Lend. and LOCKERS? I cannot wait to read this one, once it is out I will readdd!
